About Republic

Republika Górnego Szwarc Morgen Lorgen Landu, The Republic of Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land is a micronation founded in 2009 in western Poland. Official language of this country is Polish. The micronation covers a territory of less than 1 square kilometer.

GSMLL is a republic with presidential system. The President is elected every three years. The government of GSMLL is defined according to the Constitution of 24th July 2020. Legislature is in hands of unicameral parliament named Najwyższy Kongres Posłanników Ludowych (The Highest People’s Congress). The parliamentary term lasts two years. The Republic with its system modeled on the constitutions of North American tribes, creates an over-territorial community. However, all its members live close to each other. The GSMLL nation is peaceful and therefore has no armed forces. The only protecting unit is the Civil Defence.

Government of GSMLL has official representation office in Poland as non-profit organization. It names Towarzystwo Górny Szwarc Morgen Lorgen Land and has legal status as “ordinary association”. All members of the association are also citizens of the micronation. They create a local community and organizes joint events and public holidays several times a year. On the base of history and political system of the Republic of GSMLL there was prepared journalistic report and bachelor thesis on one of major universities in Poland. It's name is: The micronations phenomenon. The analysis based on the case of the Republic of Upper Shwartz Morgen Lorgen Land.

Republic of GSMLL is not a simulation or a game. We are a real nation with own territory and own currency – korona. The main goal of the Republic is to educate people about international relations, economy, law and political science. The patron saint of the Republic is St. Charbel.

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